Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Community Lectures

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know about some of the Community Lectures that we have been offering.

One of our patients works with a Lutheran organization that hosts a summer camp for Refugees of many different countries. She invited me to give a lecture on nutrition for the kids. I spoke to the boys one day and the girls the next. I let them know about how their plate should look for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I explained the different food groups and how BAD fast-food and processed food was for them. They were great! They had plenty of questions and really seemed to get it. Children's nutrition is a passion of mine, I think the patterns they develop when they are young can really effect their future habits. With Obesity and Overweight kids on the rise, I find this to be a huge public health concern.
On that note, Our Baby/Toddler Food Class was a success! Our presentation was about the major problems with the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) and how to reverse the trend. My wife taught the practical portion, how to analyze the products you are buying for your kids, how to prepare it, and also went over supplements that your kids need today! Again I love offering these types of lectures to the public, to address a major problem that can be preventable with education.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Health and Fitness Expo. Main street Library, Thurs. 6th 4-7pm. I will be giving my presentation on "Healthy Weight loss"

Dr. Holloway

Monday, July 21, 2008

So let's start blogging about it!

We have a revival of our wellness center, folks! That's right, it's in the works, and you are going to love the outcome. River Hills Wellness Center is next door to River Hills Chiropractic Clinic (serving Jacksonville for 20 years!). We have a beautiful studio that we offer various group fitness classes to the public including:

  • yoga

  • pilates

  • gentle stretch

  • self defense

  • tai chi

  • Community Health Lectures

Here's a look at what's on tap for the next month:


Monday's 9:00am - start your week out right! Tracy is a wonderful instructor, and you will enjoy her gentle approach to yoga (for all levels).

Theraputic Stretch

Tuesday's 7:00pm - loosen up and relax - learn how to properly stretch your muscles with Walter, one of our massage therapists here at the clinic. He'll show you easy stretches to loosen tight muscles and increase range of motion.

Self Defense

Tuesday's 6:00pm - this is one of those great unknown classes that are out there. When you discover Lou's gift of teaching self defense for everyday life, you'll be hooked! Bring a friend - I promise you will learn so much.

Yoga For Your Back

Saturday July 19, 9:30am (monthly class) - How well do you take care of your back? Kathy is educated in yoga and spine alignment, and offers this unique class for all levels looking to stretch, align, and move the back. What a great idea! Call to save your spot for our next class 904-721-5464.

Community Health Lecture (July)

Feeding Your Baby in a Fast Food World? - Want to make better food choices for your children? Learn easy food preparation for babies, toddlers, and kids in this one time class. Start feeding them healthy foods they will LOVE and keeping it up in our fast food world.

Saturday, July 26th at 1pm. Call to RSVP 904-721-5464 - everyone is welcome!

Already a patient of River Hills Clinic??? Where the heck have you been?! Come check us out next time you are in for an adjustment or massage. We would love to give you a free class pass to try out any of our classes :)